Based on Louisa May Alcott’s life, Little Women follows the spirited adventures of the four March sisters: Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy. Jo March (played by Junior, Sarah Jane Hanchey) is a passionate writer striving to find her voice, while her sisters each navigate their unique paths in life—Meg (Junior, Jordyn Morgan) is the responsible eldest sibling, Beth (Junior, Emma Jane Compton) is the sweet and gentle heart of the family, and Amy (Junior, Clarice Pesce) is the youngest and most ambitious. Jo’s journey to get her stories published is fraught with challenges, but with guidance from her friend, Professor Bhaer (Junior, Brayden Bratcher), she learns to write from her heart. Through this process, she creates a story that reflects the sisters’ trials and triumphs growing up in Civil War-era America.
With its powerful score and emotional storytelling, Little Women is a complete theatrical experience, offering laughter, tears, and inspiration in equal measure. The production captures the spirit of a young America finding its voice and celebrates the resilience of the human spirit.